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Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis


Symbolic Dynamics, Inc.

SD/FAST is used for analysis and design studies of any mechanical systemmodeled as a set of rigid bodies interconnected by joints, influenced byforces, driven by prescribed motions, and restricted by constraints.Within this broad framework, virtually any mechanical system can bemodeled and analyzed. Some examples include: mechanisms and machines;ground vehicles; articulated spacecraft; epicyclic gear trains; androbots.SD/FAST is for analysts, control system engineers, and sophisticateddesigners, providing high performance and flexibility. It works in theexisting analysis environment, preserving the software, hardware andtraining investment already in place. Use SD/FAST with just FORTRAN or C,or interface easily with ACSL, MATRIXx, Easy 5, PRO-MATLAB, Ctrl-C, IMSL,NAG, plotting and animation packages, and pre-existing force module andsimulation environments.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: C or Fortran Compiler
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4

Symbolic Dynamics, Inc.
561 Bush St
Mountain View, CA 94041
Phone: (415) 960-1532
Fax: (415) 960-0338